L'équipe Zambon Belgique

L'équipe Zambon Belgique

L'équipe de direction de Zambon en Belgique

L'équipe de direction de Zambon Belgique est composée de professionnels du secteur pharmaceutique hautement expérimentés dont la perspicacité et l'engagement permettent à Zambon Belgique de faire, chaque jour, la différence. 


Entretien avec head of country

"During these 50+ years, Zambon Belgium has been growing its reputation towards the local healthcare professionals and patients as a trustworthy player in the pharma industry, thanks to the high quality and strong heritage of its renowned products. 

Zambon Belgium is present in the market with a broad range of OTC (Over The Counter) and prescription drugs addressing the needs of the patients in the areas of Respiratory, Pain and Women Health Care, and since recently also in the specialty field of CNS (Central Nervous System)."