


EFPIA Disclosure Code


Zambon Sweden is the Nordics based wholly owned subsidiary of Zambon S.p.A. headquartered in Italy. Zambon S.p.A. is an Italian pharmaceutical company. Zambon has been involved in the «Disclosure» project since 2015 with the aim of implementing the EFPIA Disclosure Code on Transfers of Value.

Specifically, the Disclosure Code requires that transfers of value between the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations be published on a yearly basis, with reporting starting in 2016. 

As such, Zambon Sweden has prepared three tables summarizing all transfers of value together with a brief itemised description as required by the provisions of EFPIA.

What are transfers of value?

Transfer of value are payments of a financial nature, such as:

  • Hospitality provided to a Healthcare Professional for participating in a scientific conference;
  • Compensation to Healthcare Professionals and Healthcare Organisations for a professional engagement based on the type of activity required;
  • Sponsorship of continuous medical education events

How can the full autonomy of Healthcare Professionals be ensured?

It is essential to maintain a continuous dialogue and discussion between pharmaceutical companies and Healthcare Professionals for the development of medicines and our collective wellbeing.

These relationships must be managed in a manner that the physicians can maintain their prescribing autonomy. Disclosure of financial payments made to Healthcare Professionals and organisations will avoid any misunderstandings about physician autonomy.


Respect for privacy

Because the reporting of the transfer of value amounts received by individual Healthcare Professionals involves the publication of their personal information, Zambon has left the decision entirely to the Healthcare Professional whether to authorise or deny the publication of transfers of value made to them.


Publication of values

This site contains a table that indicates the first and last name of the Healthcare Professional and the exact amount of the financial payments received only if the Healthcare Professional has authorised publication. The table also reports amounts paid to Healthcare Organisations.

If a Healthcare Professional denies publication, the transfer of value amounts made to them will be included in the aggregate value, in other words in the total amount of values paid by Zambon.


Indirect transfers

It should be noted that not all transfers of value published on a named basis – upon authorisation of the Healthcare Professional – have been materially collected by the Healthcare Professional. The company has very often paid the corresponding amount indirectly and not to the Healthcare Professional, for example to an agency to cover the travel costs for the Healthcare Professional to attend an educational meeting deemed useful for their profession.



DownloadZambon Sweden_Disclosure 2021_Sweden
DownloadZambon Sweden_Disclosure 2021_ Norway
DownloadZambon Sweden_Disclosure 2020_Sweden
DownloadZambon Sweden_Disclosure 2020_ Norway
DownloadNigaard Sweden_ 2019 Archive
DownloadNigaard Norway _ 2019 Archive
DownloadNigaard Finland _ 2017 Archive
DownloadNigaard Norway _ 2017 Archive
DownloadNigaard Sweden _ 2017 Archive
DownloadMethodological note __ Sweden, Norway, Finland